nal cases. The said bailiff, upon entering upon the
duties of his office, shall make oath before one of the
Make oath.
said commissioners that he will faithfully and impar-
tially execute the duties of his office according to the
best of his skill and judgment, without favor or pre-
judice, and shall also give bond to the State of Mary-
land in such penalty as the commissioners may direct,
and with sureties to be by them approved, for the
faithful performance of his duties as bailiff, and the
said bond shall be recorded in the office of the clerk
of the Circuit Court for Worcester county; but
nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the
bailiff from acting as lamplighter and receiving pay
in said capacity.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That said commis-
sioners may pass all ordinances necessary to give
Pass ordi-
effect and operation to the powers vested in them.
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That all ordinances
enacted by the said commissioners shall be imme-
Made public.
diately made public by printed handbills posted in
not less than tive conspicuous places in said town.
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 10, 1880.