inafter provided for, shall be the assessment as now
made for county purposes.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the commission-
ers of said town shall, whenever they think it neces-
sary, from time to time, make a new assessment of
Hake new as-
the real and personal property within the town limits ;
and the said commissioneis shall have power to alter
and amend the said assessment whenever they may
think justice requires it.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the said com-
Elect treasur-
missioners shall annually elect a treasurer of the
corporation, who shall be one of their number, and
who shall keep an accurate account of the receipts
and disbursements of the funds of the corporation in
a well bound book, and shall render annually to the
commissioners a succinct and detailed statement
thereof, which statement shall be posted in some
public place in said town annually; but before the
Give bond.
said treasurer shall act as such, he shall give bond to
the State of Maryland in such penalty as the com-
missioners may prescribe, with sureties to be approved
by them, conditioned that he will well and faithfully
account for all moneys received by him from the
collector of said corporation, or any other person, for
the use of said town ; and will also well and faithfully
pay over to the said commissioners, or their order, all
sums of money so received by him, and deliver over
the books and papers of his office whenever required
so to do by the said commissioners; and the said bond
shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the
Circuit Court for Worcester county ; and the said
commissioners shall allow their treasurer such com-
pensation for his services as they may deem reasona-
ble and just.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
Appoint bai-
sioners shall annually appoint a bailiff of said town
and prescribe his duties, and for compensation for his
services as bailiff, the said commissioners shall allow
him all fines and forfeitures received for the viola-
tion of the town ordinances, and no more. The
said bailiff shall enforce the ordinances of said town,
and, in the execution of the duties of his office, shall
have all and the same powers as constable in crimi-