ter, on the first Monday in May, elect three persons
who are owners of real estate in said town to be
commissioners of said town, to serve for two years
from the date of their election and until their suc-
cessors are elected and qualified, and the services
rendered by the said commissioners shall be gratu-
itous and without pay.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the first election
shall be held at the " Excursion House " in said town,
Election —
and the judges thereof shall be two in number, and
. where held.
shall be two of the justices of the peace in Berlin
election district number three ; the said judges shall
appoint a clerk, and shall keep the polls open from
two o'clock P. M. until five o'clock P. M. They
shall carefully count, after closing of the polls, the
ballots taken by them, and within two days after
said election shall make a true and correct return of
the same, under their hands, to the clerk of Circuit
Court of Worcester county, who shall forthwith issue
certificates of election to the three persons appearing
from the said returns to have received the highest
number of votes ; and the said certificates shall be
recorded among the records of proceedings of the
said commissioners.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the judges of
election shall, before proceeding to hold an election,
take an oath before some justice of the peace for
Take oath.
Worcester county, to allow all persons to vote who
are qualified under this act, and to allow none to vote
unless so qualified.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if any person so
Failure to
elected as commissioner shall refuse to serve as such,
or his place shall become vacant by death, resigna-
tion or disqualification, or otherwise, the remaining
commissioners shall fill the vacancy as early there-
after as possible from among the qualified voters of
the said town, and a failure to qualify within two
weeks after election shall be conclusive evidence of
a refusal to act as commissioner ; and the person ap-
Vacancy —
pointed to fill said vacancy shall hold his office till
how filled.
the next election ; and in case of a tie between any
persons voted for at any election under this act, the
clerk of the Circuit Court for Worcester county