of Ocean City," in "Worcester county, be and they
are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name
body corpo-
of " The Commissioners of Ocean City," and by that
name may sue and be sued, have and use a common
seal and have perpetual succession.
SEC. 2. And te it enacted, That the bounds and
Bounds and
limits of the said town are as follows, to wit : Be-
ginning at a point in Synepuxent Bay at or near
the easternmost end of the Ocean City Bridge Com-
pany's bridge, and from thence by and with the
waters of said bay in a southerly direction to the
south side line of the lands conveyed by " Stephen
Faber " to Granville Stokes, in a deed dated August
the twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-
nine, thence by and with said south side line in an east-
erly direction, and a continuation of the same across
Atlantic avenue to the Atlantic Ocean, thence by
and with the waters of the same in a northerly di-
rection to the north side line of the lands conveyed
by said Faber to Hillary E. Pitts, Benjamin Jones
Taylor and George W. Purnell, trustees, by deed
dated July twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and
seventy-six, thence by and with said north side line
north seventy-six and one-eighth degrees west, across
the beach to Synepuxent Bay, then down by and
with the waters of said bay in a southerly direction
to the first beginning, at the easternmost end of the
Ocean City Bridge Company's bridge ; and the com-
missioners of said town, as hereinafter provided for,
shall have a survey made by a competent surveyor
Survey to be
of all the streets and avenues of said town, and shall
have a stone placed at the north and south sides of
the streets, bearing westerly from Atlantic avenue
in said town, and at the east end thereof, at the in-
tersection of said streets bearing westerly with At-
lantic avenue.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the legal voters
of Ocean city who have resided within its corporate
Elect com-
limits six months preceding the election, and the
male citizens of Worcester county, who own any
interest in real estate or in houses in said town, of
the age of twenty-one years and upward, shall, on
the first Monday in May, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and eighty, and shall every two years thereaf-