ers of Caroline county are herebj authorized, re-
quired and directed to pay to the County Com-
missioners of Dorchester county the sum of six
hundred and fourteen dollars, as the estimated aud
agreed proportional share of said bonded debt of
Dorchester county, properly a burden upon that
part of the taxable property of the last named
county hereby transferred to Caroline county, and
the County Commissioners of Caroline county are
hereby authorized and directed, at their next levy,
to levy.
after the transfer of territory hereby proposed is
ratified by the electors thereof, to levy upon all
the taxable property of Caroline county, including
the property embraced in the territory transferred
to said last named county by this act, a sum suf-
ficient to pay to the County Commissioners of
Dorchester county the moneys authorized and di-
rected to be paid to them by the former under the
provisions of this act.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That nothing in this
act contained shall in any manner affect, alter or
Not to impair
impair the right of any ex-tax collector or the
present tax collector, or the tax collector for the
collection of taxes to be levied for the year eigh-
teen hundred and eighty in and for said district
number twelve of Dorchester county, to collect all
taxes heretofore levied, or to be levied for the year
eighteen hundred and eighty, against residents of,
or property embraced in the territory about to be
transferred to Caroline county, in accordance with
the existing laws on the subject, but the same shall
be collected as if this act had not been passed, and
in event of a sale, by any collector, of property
within said limits to enforce the payment of such
taxes, any report of sale shall be made to the Cir-
cuit Court for Dorchester county as if this act had
not been passed.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the judges of elec-
tion in said district number twelve of Dorchester
Receive bal-
county shall, at the election of electors for Presi-
lots for elec-
dent and Vice-President of the United States, in
the fall of eighteen hundred and eighty, receive
the ballot of each citizen voting at said election,