and who resides within the limits of the territory
described by courses and distances in section one
of this act, as contained on a list to be handed to
them by the census takers as hereinafter provided,
for or against the proposed transfer of territory;
Ballots — how
all citizens so voting shall print or write on their
ballots the words: "For change of boundary line,"
or "Against change of boundary line," and the
said judges of election shall certify the result of
such voting, in the manner now prescribed by
law, to the Governor of Maryland and to the Clerk
of the Circuit Court for Dorchester county, to be
by the latter recorded among the Land Records
of said county; and if the majority of the legal
votes cast by the citizens before described shall be
" For change of boundary line," then said herein-
before described part of Dorchester county shall
become and be a part of Caroline county and of
the fifth election district thereof, and the Governor
shall issue his proclamation to that effect, to be
published in at least one newspaper published at
Cambridge, in Dorchester county, and one at Den-
ton, in Caroline county, and the inhabitants of the
hereinbefore described territory shall thenceforth
have and enjoy all the rights and privileges that
are now held and enjoyed by other inhabitants of
Caroline county, and be subject to the like burdens
and responsibilities, and shall cease to have any
claim to or interest in the county buildings and
other public property, or public school property,
of every description belonging to Dorchester
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the justices of the
peace and constables residing and acting within
the limits of that part of Dorchester county pro-
posed to be transferred to Caroline county by
Not to inter-
this act, who received or shall receive their ap-
fere with ap-
pointments as such from Dorchester county, are
hereby continued in office, and their official acts
shall be as good and binding in law as if they had
been duly appointed and qualified for Caroline
county, until their successors are appointed and
qualified, or until the expiration of the next ses-