time of payment; and if the purchaser has not paid
the purchase money or the subsequent taxes, to apply
the said proceeds to the payment of the taxes for
which said real property may have been sold, and
all subsequent taxes thereon then in arrears, with
interest on the same, according to law, and the costs
of the proceedings ; but such sale shall not be set
aside if the provisions of law shall appear to have
been substantially complied with, and the burden of
proof shall be on the exceptioner to show the same
to be invalid under the law.
SEC. 2. Whenever real estate shall be sold by said
collector, the owner thereof, prior to the sale, may
redeem the same by paying into court, to be paid to
the purchaser thereof within a period of twelve cal-
endar months from the day of sale, an amount equal
to the sum, with twenty-five per centum added there-
May redeem
to, of the purchase money, of all costs properly in-
curred by the said purchaser in securing the ratifi-
cation of the said sale, and of all taxes assessed on said
real estate and paid by said purchaser since said
SEC. 3. Whenever real estate or property of any
description shall be exposed for sale by said Collect-
or of Taxes for Somerset county under the provi-
sions of the General Laws of this State, the State's
Attorney for Somerset county may bid for and pur-
chase the same at the sale thereof, for the use of the
Purchase for
said county, if the said sale be for the collection of
use of county
taxes, if, in his opinion, it shall be necessary and
proper to do so for the protection of the interest of
the said county ; provided the sum bid shall, in no
case, exceed the amount of the State and county
taxes assessed thereon, and the costs and expenses of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 14, 1880.