AN ACT to change the boundary line and trans-
fer certain territory and population from Dor-
chester to Caroline county.
WHEREAS the town of Federalsburg stands upon
the dividing line between Dorchester and Caroline
counties, and divers difficulties in connection with
the maintenance of the public schools, and the
proper administration of justice, are experienced
from said circumstance; and, whereas, for the
above and divers other reasons, what purports to
be an immense majority, to wit : every voter of
the seventy voters residing within the limits of
the territory proposed to be transferred have pe-
titioned the General Assembly of Maryland to
change the boundary line between said counties,
and transfer that part of Dorchester county, here-
inafter particularly described, to Caroline county,
the same being the Dorchester side of the said
town of Federalsburg and the country immedi-
ately adjacent thereto; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That all that part of Dorchester
Courses and
county, to wit: beginning at a point on Main
street, in the town of Federalsburg, where Bridge
street terminates, and which is an intersection of
a boundary between Dorchester county and Caro-
line county (marked "A" on the plat prepared by
John B. Isler, a surveyor of Caroline county, dated
January twenty-second, A. D., eighteen hundred
and eighty), and thence running with said Main
street, which is the present division line of said
counties, the following courses, viz : north eight
degrees west, thirty-one perches ; north thirty de-
frees west, thirty-nine perches; north forty-six
egrees west, thirty-two perches ; thence, still with
the county road and present boundary line be-
tween the said counties, north sixty-one degrees
west, twelve perches; north eighty-two degrees
west, seventy-six perches and twelve links ; north
eighty-four and one half degrees west, nineteen