AN ACT to add additional sections to the Code of
Public Local Laws of Somerset county, entitled
" Revenue and Taxes."
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the following additional
sections add-
sections be and are hereby added to the Code of
Public Local Laws of Somerset county, entitled
" Revenue and Taxes," and to read as follows :
SECTION 1. In all cases where lands held in fee
Report sale.
simple, or by lease, or for life, or in any other man-
ner, have been sold or shall be sold for payment of
taxes in arrears in Somerset county according to
the provisions of the General Laws of this State, it
shall be the duty of the collector of taxes for said
county to report said sale, together with all the pro-
ceedings had in relation thereto, to the Circuit Court
for Somerset county, which shall examine the said
proceedings, and if the same appear to be regular,
and the provisions of said General Law in relation
thereto have been complied with, shall order notice
Warn per-
sons interest-
to be given by advertisement, published in such
newspaper as the court shall direct, warning all per-
sons interested in the property sold to be and appear
by a certain day in the said notice to be named, to
show cause, if any they have, why said sale should
not be ratified and confirmed; and if no cause, or an
insufficient cause, be shown against the said ratifica-
tion, the said sale shall, by order of the said court,
be ratified and confirmed, and the purchaser shall,
on payment of the purchase money, have a good and
indefeasible title to the property sold ; but if good
cause, in the judgment of the said court, be shown in
Sale may be
the premises, the said sale shall be set aside, in which
set aside.
case the said collector shall proceed to a new sale
of the property, and bring the proceeds into court,
out of which the purchaser shall be repaid the pur-
chase money paid by him to the collector on said
rejected sale; and all taxes assessed on said real
estate and paid by said purchaser since said sale,
and all costs and expenses properly incurred in the
said court, with interest on all such sums from the