Give notice.
to be held respectively by the stockholders of each
company, after notice of at least thirty days, by
advertisement in some newspaper published in An-
napolis, and two newspapers published in the city of
Baltimore, of the times, places and objects of said
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the fact of such
consolidation and merger of the Annapolis and Elk
Agreement to
Ridge Railroad Company with and in the Baltimore
be set forth.
and Drum Point Railroad Company, if agreed on,
together with the terms and conditions of such agree-
ment, shall be fully set forth in a certificate, under
the seals of the two said corporations, signed by their
respective presidents, attested by the secretaries of
the stockholders meetings aforesaid, and recorded in
the office of the clerk of the Court of Appeals, from
and after which recording the said Annapolis and
Elk Eidge Railroad Company shall cease to exist as
a corporate body, and shall be held and taken to be
incorporated with and merged in the said Baltimore
and Drum Point Railroad Company, which latter
body corporate shall thenceforward have and enjoy
Subject to
all the rights, powers, privileges and immunities,
and be subject to all the debts, liabilities and obliga-
debts, &c.
tions which were of each and both of said corpora-
tions at the time of the consolidation herein provided
for, so especially as that no liens or incumbrances
then being upon the property, franchises or revenues
of either of said corporations shall be in any way
affected or be hindered in their enforcement by any-
thing herein contained or hereby authorized.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing herein
contained shall be construed to authorize the con-
solidation of said Annapolis and Elk Eidge Railroad
How con-
Company with said Baltimore and Drum Point
Railroad Company until and after the last named
company shall have built and completed, and have
in good running order the railroad from Drum Point
to some point on the line of the railroad of the said
Annapolis and Elk Eidge Railroad Company ; pro-
vided the Board of Public Works shall give their
consent in writing to the terms of said consolida-