all their title to the capital stock of the said Annap-
olis and Elk Ridge Railroad Company, and all their
claims and demands upon or against the same.
SEC. And be it enacted, That the extension of
time hereby given for the completion of the roads
shall not be construed, in any way, as to bind the
How con-
county of Anne Arundel for its subscription to the
capital stock of said company, unless the county
commissioners give their consent to a continuance of
said subscription.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect immediately from and after its passage,
and that all acts and parts of acts repugnant there-
to, or in conflict therewith, shall then and thence-
forward be repealed and of no effect.
Approved April 10, 1880.
AN ACT to authorize the consolidation of the Bal-
timore and Drum Point Railroad Company and
the Annapolis and Elk Ridge Railroad Company,
by the merger of the latter in the former corpora-
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Baltimore and Drum
Point Railroad Company and the Annapolis and
Elk Ridge Railroad Company, two corporations
created and existing under the laws of this State, be
and they are hereby authorized and empowered to
Unite and
unite and consolidate themselves together, by
merging the said Annapolis and Elk Ridge Railroad
Company in the said Baltimore and Drum Point
Railroad Company, upon such terms and conditions
as may be agreed upon by and between the stock-
holders of the said corporations, at general meetings