hundred and sixty to eighteen hundred and seventy-
nine, and to index the same in the usual manner
of arranging records in said office.
SEC. 2. And le it enacted, That upon the com-
pletion of the said docket as hereinbefore provided
for, and upon the approval and acceptance of the
same by the Orphans' Court of said county, the com-
Rate allowed
missioners of eaid county shall levy for the use of
the said register, as other county charges are now
levied, such sum of money as the said transcribing
shall amount to, at the rate now allowed by law to
registers for recording and indexing.
SEC. 3. And le it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 10, 1880.
AN ACT to protect the fish in the waters of Battle
creek, Hunting creek and St. Leonard's creek,
Calvert county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That none but citizens of Calvert
Who are al-
county shall, for any purpose whatsoever, haul a
lowed to haul
seine or seines, or any other instrument, in the waters
of Battle creek, Hunting creek or St. Leonard's
creek, in said county.
SEC. 2. And le it enacted, That no person what-
soever shall haul a seine or seines, or any other
Catching for
instrument, in said waters of Battle creek, or use
sale prohibit-
Hunting creek or St. Leonard's creek for the pur-
pose of catching fish for sale, or for any other pur-
pose than for home consumption.
SEC. 3. And le it enacted, That any person or per-
sons violating either of the above sections of this.