eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter one hun-
dred and ninety-four, who shall have all the powers
Powers of
President and
therein mentioned, and all such other powers as pro-
perly appertain to the President and Board of Di-
rectors of a railroad corporation in this State ; the
said President and Board of Directors are hereby
authorized to fix the capital stock of the said corpor-
ation, and the number and par value of the shares
into which the same shall be divided, and to issue
certificates of the same, and distribute and dispose
of the said shares of said capital stock ; the said new
May issue
corporation may also, when it is deemed expedient
by its President and Board of Directors, issue its
bonds and ob-
bonds and other obligations, and secure the payment
thereof by a mortgage or mortgages, or deeds of trust
of the property, rights and franchises of the said cor-
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall
be the duty of the said new corporation, within six
Certificate to
months after its said organization, to make a certifi-
be filed
cate thereof under its corporate seal, attested by the
signature of its president, specifying its corporate
name; the date of such organization, and the name
of its president and directors, and cause the said cer-
tificate to be filed in the office of the Secretary of
State, at Annapolis, there to remain on record, and
Evidence of
the same shall be evidence of the corporate existence
of said corporation in all courts of law or equity, and
evidence of the due performance of every thing re-
quired by this act, to be done to constitute and com-
plete the organization of said new corporation.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 30, 1880.