AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to pay
L. F. Colton for paper furnished and for print-
ing and binding and distributing the report of the
Board of State School Commissioners, for the
year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, as per
contract with the Governor, in compliance with
the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
chapter three hundred and seventy-seven, sub-chap-
ter twelve, section eleven.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ty the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Comptroller of the
Treasury be and he is hereby requested and directed
issue warrant
to issue his warrant upon the Treasurer, to pay L.
F. Colton the sum of two thousand dollars, in full
payment of his bill for paper furnished and for print-
ing, binding and distributing three thousand copies
of the report of the Board of State School Commis-
sioners for the year eighteen hundred and seventy-
eight, as per contract with the Governor, in compli-
ance with the provisions of an act passed at the Jan-
uary session of eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
chapter three hundred and seventy-seven, sub-chap-
ter twelve, section eleven.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 30, 1880.