ings each preferred stockholder and each common
stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each
share of stock subscribed and paid for by him, as
aforesaid, to be cast by such stockholder in person
or by his or her proxy, duly appointed in writing,
according to law; and all such elections shall be by
Elections by
ballot, plainly designating the several persons voted
for as directors, and the persons receiving the high-
est number of votes, and a majority of the whole
number of votes entitled to be cast at said meeting,
shall be declared to be elected directors of said com-
pany, and the said directors shall elect a president
either from among such directors or the other stock-
holders, and any male stockholder above the age of
twenty-five years, and being the bona fide owner in his
own right of ten or more shares of the capital stock
of said company, shall be eligible to the office of
president of the said company ; a majority of the
said directors shall always be citizens and residents
of the State of Maryland.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That to continue the
succession of the president and directors of the said
Directors to
company, directors shall be chosen annually, on the
be chosen an-
second Tuesday of March, by the stockholders of
the said company, and the directors of the said com-
pany, or a majority of them, shall have power to
appoint judges of all elections by the stockholders,
and to elect a president of said company either from
amongst the directors or other stockholders eligible
therefor, and to allow such president such compen-
sation as they may deem proper, and if any vacancy
shall occur by death, resignation or refusal to act of
any president or director before the year for which
he was elected has expired, a person to fill such va-
cant place for the remainder of the year may be ap-
pointed by the president and directors of said com-
pany, and the president and directors of the said
company shall hold and exercise their offices until a
new election of president and directors ; and all
elections which by this act or by the by-laws of said
company are to be made on a particular day, or at
a particular time, if not made on such day or at
such time may be made at any time within three
months thereafter ; provided, however, that a fail-
ure to hold an annual meeting of the stockholders