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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 125   View pdf image (33K)
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mortgage bonds, and by surrender of the said second

mortgage bonds, as provided in the preceding sec-

tion, and shall not be required to pay any sum in

cash on such subscription when such coupons or

bonds are presented in payment therefor, as afore-

said, in sums of twenty-live dollars or any multiple

thereof, and when such coupons and bonds are sur-

rendered, as aforesaid, the same shall be immediate-

Boncls to be

ly cancelled, and shall thereafter cease to have any


force or effect in law for any purpose whatsoever,

and the interest coupons of the said second mort-

gage bonds, whether presented for cancellation or

not, shall, after the surrender of the bonds to which

they appertain or were originally attached, be of

no force or effect in law for any purpose whatsoever.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That as soon as may

be convenient after the passage of this act, the in-

corporators named in the certificate of incorporation

of the said Eastern Shore Railroad Company, as re-

organized, or a majority of them, shall be authoriz-

ed to meet and appoint three or more of their num-

Open books

ber to open books for receiving subscriptions to the

for subscrip-

capital stock of said company, at such time and


place and upon such notice as said incorporators, or

a majority of them, may determine by resolution,

and they may also appoint one person to receive in

payment for said shares of stock so subscribed, said

overdue coupons of the said first mortgage bonds,

and to receive the said second mortgage bonds when

surrendered, as aforesaid, and to give receipts there-

for to the persons so surrendering the same, which

said receipts shall be good in payment for the stock

so subscribed according to the provisions of this

act; and as soon as the whole or more than half of

the said capital stock shall have been subscribed and

Capital stock

paid for, as hereinbefore provided, the said incorpor-

ators, so appointed to open said books of subscrip-

tion, shall immediately call a meeting of the sub-

scribers to said capital stock to elect thirteen direct-

Elect direc-

ors of the said company, to serve as such until the


next annual meeting of the said stockholders, and

until their successors shall have been duly elected

and qualified, which annual meeting shall be held

on the second Tuesday in March, in each year, and

at such meeting and at all future stockholders' ineet-


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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 125   View pdf image (33K)
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