Assignment of Wages or Salary.
1906, ch. 399.
11. No assignment of wages or salary shall be valid so as to
vest in the assignee any beneficial interest, either at law or in
equity, unless such assignment be in writing, signed by the
assignor and acknowledged in person by him or her before a
justice of the peace in and for the city or county, as the case
may be, in which the assignor resides, and entered on the same
day by said justice of the peace upon his docket; and unless
further, within three days from the execution and acknowledg-
ment of said assignment a true and complete copy thereof,
together with the certificates of its acknowledgment, be served
upon the person, firm or corporation by whom said wages or
salary are due or to become due, in the same manner that the
summons in chancery is now required by law to be served;
provided, however, that no assignment of wages or salary by a
married person shall be valid unless the same is also executed
and acknowledged as above by the assignor's wife or husband,
as the case may be.
12. Proof of said service, as provided for in the preceding
section, shall be by an admission thereof in writing by the
person, firm or corporation, his, their or its agent on the orig-
inal assignment, which admission of service shall also be
entered by said justice of the peace upon his docket within two
days thereafter.
13. In addition to said acknowledgment to be made by said
assignor, he or she, as the case may be, shall make affidavit
that he or she has not paid, and will not, directly or indi-
rectly, pay more than the legal rate of six per centum per
annum on any sum borrowed, or permit a deduction from said
sum so loaned to him or her at the time of said loan, or any
time thereafter, of more than a sum equivalent to six per
centum per annum for the time said loan is made.
14. The term "assignment, " as used in this sub-title, shall
include every assignment, transfer, sale, pledge, mortgage or
hypothecation, however made or attempted, of the wages or
salary of any person, or of any interest therein.