otherwise so disabled or deformed as to render it incapable of
labor or service.
1906, ch. 32, sec. 3.
3. It shall be the duty of the trustees of the poor of the
city of Baltimore, and the county commissioners and trustees
of the poor of the counties of this State to place all such
pauper children who are in their charge in some respectable
family in the State, or in some educational institution or home
for children, and it shall also be the duty of said trustees of
the poor of Baltimore city and of the counties of the State, or
an agent or agents to be appointed by them for the purpose, to
visit such children not less than once in every six months, and
to make all needful inquiries as to their treatment and welfare,
and to report to the board of trustees making such disposi-
tion of said children.
Ibid. sec. 4.
4. The trustees of the poor of the respective counties of this
State shall have painted an appropriate sign bearing the name
of the county home, to wit: "Allegany County Home, " or other
county, as the name shall require, which name shall be placed
over the front door or entrance to such home, and shall be kept
in good order.
Approved February 27, 1906.
Assignment of Wages or Salary.
11. Requisites to valid assignment
of wages or salary.
12. Proof of service of notice of such
13. Affidavit by assignor as to rate
of interest to be paid on loan
on such assignment.
14. Definition of term " assign-
ment. "
15. Assignment of wages or salary
to secure usurious loan, con-
tract or debt to be void.
16. Assignment of wages not to
be earned within six months
to be void.
17. Injunctions to restrain enforce-
ment of invalid assignment of
wages or salary
18. Invalidity of any part of these
sections not to affect valid