1906, ch. 399.
15. Whenever any assignment of the wages or salary of any
person or persons shall be given as security for a loan tainted
with usury, or shall be given to secure the payment or fulfill-
ment of a usurious contract or the payment of the principal or
interest of a usurious debt, such assignment shall be absolutely
16. Every assignment of wages to be earned in whole or in
part more than (6) months from and after the making of such
assignment, shall be absolutely void.
17. Whenever any person, firm or corporation shall bring,
or threaten to bring any action or suit to enforce any assign-
ment of wages or salary which has not been duly executed,
acknowledged, sworn to and served upon the employer in con-
formity with the provisions of the six preceding sections, or
which is declared invalid by said provisions, courts of equity
shall have full power, upon the application either of the
assignor of such wages or salary, or of the person, firm or
corporation from whom such wages or salary is, or is to become
due, to perpetually enjoin the threatened or attempted enforce-
ment of any such assignment; and the fact that the complainant
has a complete and adequate remedy at law shall constitute no
defense to the maintenance of a suit in equity for the purpose
18. The invalidity of any portion of this sub-title shall not
affect the validity of any other portion thereof which can be
given effect without such invalid part.
Approved April 3, 1906.