Supplement to the Maryland Code
of 1904.
Of 19O6.
1. County Almshouses to be here-
after called county homes.
2. When and how long children may
be received and retained in
County Home.
3. Trustees of Poor and County
Commissioners to place pauper
children in respectable family
or educational institution or
home and to visit them and
report as to their treatment
and welfare.
4. Name of Home to be painted over
the front door.
1906, ch. 32, sec. 1
1. From and after February 27, 1906, all institutions in the
counties of this State which are maintained by the county for
the care and custody of the indigent poor shall be known
under the name and style of the county home, for the respec-
tive counties; that is to say, the institution now known as the
almshouse of Allegany county, shall be called the Allegany
county home, and so with the almshouses in all other counties
of the State.
Ibid. sec. 2.
2. It shall not be lawful for the trustees of the poor of the
city of Baltimore, or the county commissioners or trustees of
the poor of any of the counties of this State to receive into or
retain in any county home any child between three and sixteen
years of age for a longer period than ninety days, unless such
child be an unteachable idiot, an epileptic or a paralytic, or be