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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 157   View pdf image (33K)
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Burial of Soldiers.

12. Appropriations to carry out pro
visions of sections 8 to 10.

State Representatives.

13. Representatives to be appointed
by Governor to attend meet-
ings of corporations and insti-
tutions receiving State aid.

Burial of Soldiers.
1904, ch. 663, sec. 4. 1906, ch. 822.

12. The sum of fifteen hundred dollars, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated for the fiscal year 1906,
and the like sum of fifteen hundred dollars, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, for the fiscal year 1907, for the objects
above mentioned; and of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars
herein appropriated the sum of seven hundred and fifty ($760)
dollars and no more shall be annually applied to and be
disbursed for the payment of the interment of United States
soldiers, sailors and marines, and seven hundred and fifty
($750) dollars and no more shall be annually applied to and
be disbursed for the payment of the interment of Confederate
soldiers, sailors and marines.

Approved April 5, 1906.

State Representatives.

1906, ch. 740.

13. The governor is authorized and empowered to appoint,
from time to time one or more discreet persons to attend meet-
ings of the boards of directors, managers, trustees or visitors
of corporations and institutions receiving financial assistance
from the treasury of the State; the said representative of the
executive department is to have no vote in said bodies, but is
to be entitled to be present at the meeting of the said boards
of directors, managers, trustees or visitors and to give his
views upon questions or matters under discussion or before
said boards for consideration.

Approved April 5, 1906.


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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 157   View pdf image (33K)
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