156 SHERIFF. [ART. 87.
Oath of Office and Bond.
2. Bond for $10, 000 in Somerset, Harford, Calvert, Howard; Carroll, St.
Mary's, Dorchester, Anne Arundel, Queen Anne's, Wicomico, Garrett
and Worcester counties; $25, 000 in the other counties and in Balti-
more city.
Oath of Office and Bond.
1906, ch. 39.
2. He shall also, before he acts as such, give bond to the
State of Maryland in the penalty of twenty-five thousand
dollars, with security, to be approved by two judges of the
orphans' court, or a judge of the circuit court for his county,
if he be elected for a county, or by two judges of the orphans'
court of Baltimore city, or the judge of the superior court of
Baltimore city, if he be elected for said city, with condition
that he shall well and faithfully execute the office of sheriff
of ———— county, or the city of Baltimore, in all things apper-
taining thereto, and shall well and truly perform all the duties
required by law to be by" him performed; provided, that the
sheriff elected for Somerset, Harford, Calvert, Howard, Car-
roll, St. Mary's, Dorchester, Anne Arundel, Queen Anne's,
Wicomico, Garrett and Worcester counties shall be required to
give bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, and for no
greater sum.
Approved February 27, 1906.