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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 158   View pdf image (33K)
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158 SURETIES. [ART. 90.



Counter Security.

6 A. How surety on official bond may
may be released.

6 B. Provision for the release of
sureties on the bond of any

Counter Security.

1906, ch. 409.

6 A. Any surety or the personal representative of any surety,
upon the official bond of any State, county, municipal or other
public officer who is, by the Constitution of the State of Mary-
land, or by any law, ordinance, rule or regulation, required to
give such bond, may be discharged from further liability as
such surety upon application by petition to the court, judge,
officer, board or other person or persons or body having
authority to approve such bond, who shall thereupon imme-
diately, by order reciting such application, require such public^
officer to furnish a new bond in the same manner as if none
hud ever been given by him within thirty days after personal
service of such order. Such personal service may be made
either within or without the State of Maryland by the said
court, judge, officer, board or other person or persons or body,
or by any person authorized by them or at their request, by the
surety or any agent or representative of the surety. When
such new bond is given and approved, according to law, in
compliance with said order, the surety on the prior bond shall
remain liable for acts or defaults occurring prior thereto, but
shall be discharged from all further liability from the acts or
defaults of said officer which may be done or committed sub-
sequent to the approval of such new bond. The office of any
such State, county, municipality or other public officer shall
become vacant at the expiration of thirty days from personal
service as aforesaid, if the said officer shall not have complied
with such order by filing new bond, and the said vacancy shall
be filled as provided by law in case of death, resignation or
removal; this provision shall be mandatory. *

Approved April 3, 1906.

* Called section 5 B in the Act.


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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 158   View pdf image (33K)
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