1904, ch. 299, sec. 141. 1906, ch. 236, sec. 141.
168. Any person who induces or attempts to induce any
deaf or blind child to absent himself or herself unlawfully
from school, or employs or harbors any such child absent
unlawfully from school, while said school is in session, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon convic-
tion thereof before a justice of the peace, be fined a sum not
exceeding fifty dollars for each offense.
1906, ch. 236, sec. 142.
168 A. The principal teacher of every public school in the
counties and the truant officers of the city of Baltimore shall,
within thirty days from the beginning of the school year succeed-
ing the passage of this sub-title, furnish the board of county
school commissioners or the board of education of Baltimore
city, as the case may be, with the names of all children who
are deaf, blind or feeble minded, between the ages of six and
sixteen years, inclusive, living within the boundaries of his
or her school district who do not attend school. And the
board of county school commissioners or board of education of
Baltimore city shall certify forthwith the names of all such
deaf, blind or feeble minded children to the respective princi-
pals of the State schools for such children.
Approved March 31, 1906.
1906, ch. 217, sec. 1.
172 A. The assent of the State of Maryland is given to the
purposes of the grant made by act of congress, approved March
2, 1887, of the first session of the fifty-ninth congress, and
the Maryland agricultural experiment station, a department
of the Maryland agricultural college, is designated as the insti-
tution entitled to receive the moneys appropriated for Mary-
land, and the treasurer of the said institution is designated as
the proper person to receive the said appropriations.
Ibid. sec. 2.
172 B. The assent of the State of Maryland to the grants of
money for the purposes, upon the terms and in accordance with
the several conditions and provisions contained in section 172 A