of the State superintendent the county superintendent shall
preside. Two or more counties may combine and hold a joint
Approved April 9, 1906.
School Attendance.
1904, ch. 299, sec. 139. 1906, ch. 236, sec. 139.
186. Every deaf or blind child between six and sixteen years
of age shall attend some school for the deaf or blind for eight
months, or during the scholastic year, unless it can be shown
that the child is elsewhere receiving regularly thorough instruc-
tion during the said period, in studies usually taught in the
said public schools to children of the same age; provided, that
the superintendent or principal of any school for the deaf or
blind, or person or persons duly authorized by such superin-
tendent or principal, may excuse cases of necessary absence
among its enrolled pupils; and provided, further, that the pro-
visions of this section shall not apply to a child whose physical
condition is such as to render its instruction, as above described,
inexpedient or impracticable. Every person having under his
or her control a child between six and sixteen years of age
shall cause such child to attend school or receive instruction as
required by this section.
1906, ch. 236, sec. 139 A.
166 A. Provided that where the parent, guardian or any
other person having control of a deaf or blind child, is not
financially able to pay for the transportation of the child to and
from such school, the same shall be paid out of the State
appropriation for the school which the child attends; pro-
vided, that three reputable male citizens over the age of
twenty-one years, residents of the school district in which the
said child resides, shall certify under oath that to the best of
their knowledge and belief the parent, guardian or other person
having control of such child is not financially able to pay the
expense of the child to and from school.
1904, ch. 299, sec. 140. Ibid. sec. 140.
167. Any person who has such a child under his or her
control, and who fails to comply with any of the provisions of
the preceding section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and shall, upon conviction thereof, before a justice of the peace,
be fined a sum not exceeding five dollars for each offense.