board of education, at any time for inefficiency or misconduct
in office; provided, however, that the reason for such dismissal
must be submitted to him in writing.
Approved April 9, 1906.
Chapter 8. Teachers.
1904, ch. 584. 1906, ch. 475 1/2.
68. Whenever any person in this State has taught in any of
the public or normal schools thereof twenty-five years and has
reached the age of sixty years, and his or her record as such
teacher has been without reproach, and by reason of physical
or mental disability or infirmity is unable to teach longer, and
who, moreover, is without the means of comfortable support,
the said teacher may lay his or her case before the State board
of education, supported in all cases by the recommendation of
the board of county school commissioners of the county in
which said teacher has last taught, and the said board shall
proceed to consider the same, and if the facts are found as
above stated, the said teacher shall be placed on a list, a record
of which shall be kept by the said board, to be known as the
"teachers' retired list, " and the names upon the "teachers'
retired list" shall be, on or before the first day of October of
each and every year, certified to by said board to the comp-
troller of the treasury of this State; and every person so
placed upon said retired list shall be entitled to receive a
pension from the State of two hundred dollars per annum, to
be paid quarterly by the treasurer of this State, upon the
warrant of the comptroller, so long as the said pensioner is
without other means of comfortable support; that the sum of
twenty-five thousand dollars per annum, or as much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated out of any moneys in the
treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry into effect the
provisions of this sub-title.
Approved April 3, 1906.
Chapter 13. Teachers' Institutes.
1904, ch. 584. 1906, ch. 356, sec. 80.
87. A teachers' institute to continue not less than five days
shall be held for each county once a year, and in the absence