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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 138   View pdf image (33K)
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misconduct any person so appointed by him as commissioner of
public schools after giving due notice to such person of the
charges made against him and a reasonable opportunity to be
heard in his own defense. In case of vacancy by death, removal
from the county, removal from office by the governor, resigna-
tion or disqualification from any cause, the governor shall fill
such vacancy with an appointee from the same political party
as that of the person whose position shall have become vacated.

Approved April 3, 1906.

Chapter 3. State Board of Education.

1904, ch. 584. 1906, ch. 356.

10. The members of the board shall receive no salary, but
their actual expenses incurred in attending the meetings and
transacting the business of the board shall be paid, and they
are authorized to employ clerical assistance when necessary,
and the treasurer of the State, upon the warrant of the comp-
troller, is directed to pay to the president of the board, from
the general funds for the public schools, for the purpose of
meeting such expenses, the sum of three thousand dollars
($3, 000) per annum, in quarterly instalments.

Superintendent of Public Education.

1906. ch. 356, sec. 17 D.

20 A. The State superintendent of public education, subject
to confirmation by the State board of education, shall on or
before the 31st day of July in each year appoint a competent
person, to be known as assistant superintendent of public educa-
tion, who shall serve for one year, unless removed as hereinafter
provided, and who shall receive a salary of fifteen hundred
dollars per annum, to be paid from the appropriations for
public schools, and shall receive no additional pay for any
services said board may require; the said assistant so appointed
shall act for and in the name of the superintendent in such
branches of his office and field work as shall, or may, in the
discretion of said superintendent, be committed to him, and
faithfully and efficiently perform such duties as may be required
of him by either the superintendent or the State board of edu-
cation; and the said assistant superintendent shall be subject
to removal by the superintendent, with the approval of the State


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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 138   View pdf image (33K)
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