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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 134   View pdf image (33K)
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134 OYSTERS. [ART. 72.

1906, ch. 711.

116. In addition to other penalties herein provided, any per-
son convicted of a violation of these provisions under either of
the three preceding sections shall be denied the right to take
out any license to dredge, scrape or tong for oysters in any of
the waters of this State for the period of three years after
said conviction.


117. It shall be the duty of all officers and members of the
State fishery force to arrest persons violating these provisions,
and to patrol such waters of the Chesapeake bay and its tribu-
taries as they may be directed by the board of public works to
patrol for the purpose of preventing violations of these provi-


118. The revenues arising from the operation of this act
shall be applied in the following manner: First, to the pay-
ment of all salaries, expenses, surveys, outlays and disburse-
ments herein authorized; second, the balance, if any, to be
paid at the end of each year into the treasury of the State, leav-
ing, however, a balance at the end of each year of ten thousand
dollars with the board of shell fish commissioners, to be applied
to the current expenses of its office for the ensuing year.. All
moneys so paid as aforesaid into the treasury of the State
shall be placed to the credit of a special fund, called the
"special road fund. "


119. The board of shell fish commissioners shall annually
prepare and publish in pamphlet form a full report of its
transactions during the year prior thereto, as well as a state-
ment of the operations of this act, and an account of the
receipts and disbursements hereunder. The said report shall
also contain a detailed statement of the lands leased hereunder,
with the names of the lessees. The said commissioners shall
also in its reports make such recommendations as it may deem
proper concerning further legislation or changes in the present
oyster laws, and shall present the said reports to the general
assembly of Maryland.

Approved April 2, 1906.


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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 134   View pdf image (33K)
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