territorial limits of a county, be at least two hundred yards, or
if fronting on waters in any other place, be at least seven hun-
dred yards. The owners of land having a less water front than
is mentioned above shall be entitled to rent a proportionately
less amount of land, dependent upon the length of the front
upon water within county limits or elsewhere.
1906, ch. 711.
101. Blank forms of application shall be furnished upon
reasonable charges, to be prescribed by the board of the shell
fish commissioners, to any person desiring the same. All such
forms shall be printed and shall be substantially in the follow-
ing language: Application for a lease to the board of shell fish
commissioners of Maryland. The application of————, a
resident of————county, in the State of Maryland, respectfully
shows that he is a resident of said State; that he wishes and
intends to use the ground hereinafter described for planting or
cultivating oysters. He, therefore, requests that said board
lease to him, in the name and on behalf of the State of Mary-
land————acres of ground located under the waters of the
State of Maryland, which ground is more particularly described
as follows, to wit: (Describe here. ) Dated at————Maryland,
this————day of————A. D.
102. When the period of ten months will have elapsed after
said survey shall have been completed, or after the lands
beneath the waters of any areas shall have been opened to
leasing under section 99, the board of shell fish commissioners
shall endeavor to lease the remaining portions of laud so open
to oyster culture under these provisions to applicants who shall
be residents of Maryland, in order of their applications as
received and opened by said commissioners.
103. Any person who may desire to plant and cultivate
oysters in the area hereinbefore designated shall file with the
board of shell fish commissioners an application substantially
in the form prescribed in section 101. The applicant shall
indicate plainly the location of the land he desires to lease.