312 BANKS. [ART. 11
1888, art. 11, sec. 28. 1870, oh. 206, sec. 12.
30. The provisions of sections 19 to 32, so for as may be
applicable in their privileges and restrictions to any and all
banks now existing under charter from the general assembly
of Maryland, may be availed of by said bank or banks.
Ibid. sec. 29. 1870, chapter 206, sec. 13.
31. If the president and directors shall at any time suspend
the active business operations or workings of any banking
institution incorporated under sections 19 to 32, other than as
now legally provided for, and a majority of the stockholders in
general meeting assembled determine to close its banking
operations, thenceforth it shall not be lawful for such corpora-
tion to resume the exercise of its banking powers and fran-
chises, but the same shall be closed, and after the payment of
its debts and liabilities, the remaining assets and property of
such corporation shall be divided among the stockholders or
their assigns.
. Ibid. sec. 30. 1886, ch. 501.
32. The thirteen preceding sections shall continue in force
until the first day of January, 1905, and to the end of the next
session of the general assembly thereafter.
1898, ch. 277, sec. 31.
33. It shall be the duty of the treasurer of this State, with
the approval of the governor, to appoint from time to time an
examiner to visit each and every association mentioned in this
article, doing business in this State, (excepting State bonks
which may be members of the Baltimore clearing association,
and as such required regularly to submit to examination by
a national bonk examiner, ) at least once in each year, or
oftener, if in his judgment it may be necessary, for the purpose
of making a full and careful investigation of, and inquiry into
the condition and affairs of such bank, and for that purpose
the treasurer of this State or his duly appointed examiner, is
hereby authorized and empowered to administer oaths or affirm-
ations, and examine under oath or affirmation the owners and
directors, and all officers and employes and agents of such bonk,
and the examiner making such examination shall reduce the
result thereof to writing, giving a full, true and careful state-
ment of the condition of said bank, but no person shall be so
appointed an examiner for the purpose of investigating the
condition of the affairs of any bank in this State, who shall be
an officer, agent or employe thereof.