1896, ch. 277, sec. 32,
34. Whenever the treasurer of this State shall become satis-
fied that any of the associations mentioned in this article have
failed to comply with the provisions thereof, he shall have the
right by his certificate, with the approval of the governor, to
declare the charter of such association, company or corporation
forfeited, and said certificate shall be conclusive evidence of such
forfeiture, and thereafter he shall appoint, with the assent of
the governor, a receiver of all the assets of such association,
and the receiver so appointed shall thereupon by his petition
submit himself and his administration of said assets to the
jurisdiction of any court of the county or city where such
association, company or corporation may have its principal
office, having chancery jurisdiction, with the view of converting
said assets into cash for distribution, under the orders of such
court, to the person entitled thereto; or he may be brought
into such court in due course. The receiver so appointed
"before further proceeding upon the discharge of his duties
shall give bond in such penalty as may be prescribed by said
court, and the proceedings thereafter had in said court shall
conform to the practice of courts of this State having general
chancery jurisdiction, where a receiver may be appointed by
a decree thereof. If any receiver so appointed by the treas-
urer, with the assent of the governor, shall from any cause fail
to file said petition, or to give the required bond within five
-days after the date of his appointment, the treasurer shall
thereupon, with the approval of the governor, appoint some
other person receiver in the place and stead of the person first
appointed, and such person shall proceed to take charge of
and administer the assets of such association in the same
manner as if he had been the receiver first appointed; and if
from any cause any vacancy in the receivership shall occur
after the filing of said petition, and the giving of said bond,
such vacancy shall be filled by a decree of the court wherein
such petition shall have been filed.
Ibid. sec. 33.
35. No association affected by the provisions of this article
shall be subject to any visitorial powers other than such as are
authorized by this article and its charter.
Ibid. sec. 34.
36. The persons appointed to be examiners of the associations
affected by this article shall receive as compensation for such
examinations, the following sums of money—that is to say;