twenty-five dollars and costs for each violation of this section,
which may be recovered in the circuit court or before a justice
of the peace of the county in which such violation occurred;
one-half of said fine to be paid to the informer, if any, and
the remainder or whole thereof, as the case may be, to the
board of county school commissioners of such county, for the
use of the public schools thereof; and upon conviction and
failure to pay the fine imposed and costs of the proceeding,
the person so convicted shall be committed by court or justice
who imposed said fine to the county jail for a period not
exceeding ten days.
NOTE.—For many of the counties special local laws exist upon the sub-
jects covered by this article, which as to these counties supersede the
general law altogether, except where otherwise specially provided either
in the general or local law.
1. Mpre than ten hours' work per
day of employes prohibited.
2. Special arrangements by contract
for longer work, when per-
3. Penalty.
4. Employment of children under
twelve years of age, unlawful ;
penalty; counties excepted
from this provision.
1888, art 100, sec. 1. 1888, ch. 455.
1. No corporation or manufacturing company engaged in
manufacturing either cotton or woollen yarns, fabrics or domes-
tics of any kind, incorporated under the laws of this State,
and no officer, agent or servant of such named corporation or
manufacturing company, and no person or firm owning or
operating such corporation or manufacturing company within
the limits of this State, and no agent or servant of such firm
or person shall require, permit or suffer his, its or their
employes in its, his or their service, or under his, its or their
control to work for more than ten hours during each or any
day of twenty-four hours for one full day's work and shall
make no contract or agreement with such employes or any of
them providing that they or he shall work for more than ten