hours for one day's work during each or any day of twenty-
four hours and said ten hours shall constitute one full day's
1888, art. 100, sec. 2. 1888, ch. 455.
2. Any such named corporation or manufacturing company
within the limits of this State shall be allowed, under the pro-
visions of this section, the privilege of working male employes,
over the age of twenty-one years over the limit of ten hours
for the express purpose only of making -repairs and improve-
ments and getting fires made, steam up and the machinery
ready for use in their works, which cannot be done during
the limit of the ten hours; the extra compensation for all
such work to be settled between such corporation and manu-
facturing companies and the employes; provided that nothing
in this article shall be so construed as to prohibit any employer
from making a contract with his male employes, over the age
of twenty-one years, to work by the hour for such time as may
be agreed upon.
Ibid. sec. 3. 1888, ch. 455.
3. If any such corporation or manufacturing company
within the limits of this State or any officer, agent or servant
of such corporation or manufacturing company in this State
shall do any act in violation of any of the provisions of this
article he or they shall be deemed to have been guilty of mis-
demeanor and shall, on conviction thereof in a court of compe-
tent jurisdiction, be fined not less than one hundred dollars
for each and every offense so committed, together with the
cost of such prosecution, one-half of said fine to go to the
informer and one-half to the school fund of the county in
which said offense shall have been committed.
1894, ch. 317. 1902, ch. 566.
4. No proprietor or owner of any mill or factory in this
State (other than establishments for manufacturing canned
goods), or manager, agent or foreman, or other person in charge
thereof shall, after the first day of October in the year .1894,
employ or retain in employment in any such mill or factory
any child under fourteen years of age, unless said child is the
only support of a widowed mother, invalid father, or is solely
dependent upon such employment for self-support; and if any
such proprietor or owner of any such mill or factory, or mana-
ger, agent, foreman or other person in charge thereof shall
wilfully violate the provisions of this section, he shall be guilty