mission of the owner of the land adjacent to such waters or
marshes; said right or permission to extend to and embrace
such portions of said waters and marshes as lie between the
lands of the adjacent proprietor and the middle thread of
the main channel of said- river, upon extending the river
frontage of such proprietor at right angles with the course of
said main channel to the thread thereof, under a fine of not
less than five dollars or more than twenty-five dollars for each
violation of this section, and the cost of any proceeding to
enforce the same, which may be recovered in the circuit court
or before a justice of the peace of the county in which such
violation occurred; one-half of said fine to be paid to the
informer, if any, and the remainder or whole thereof, as the
case may be, to the board of county school commissioners of
such county, for the use of the public schools thereof; and
upon conviction and failure to pay the fine imposed and cost of
the proceeding, the person so convicted shall be committed by
the court or justice who imposed said fine to the county jail
for a period of ten days.*
1904, ch. 509, sec. 6.
56. All bona fide members of any hunting club incorporated
and organised on or before the first day of May, 1904, under'
the laws of the State of Maryland, and owning or leasing real
estate therein within one mile of the Patuxent river, and
improved by a club house, and the membership of which does
not exceed thirty, shall be considered bona fide residents of the
State of Maryland within the meaning and intention of this
sub-title, provided that such member exhibit, when demanded
by any authorized officer of the law, as evidence of his mem-
bership, a card bearing his name, the corporate seal and name
of his club, and the signature of the president and secretary
thereof; provided further, that the secretary of said club file
with the clerk of the circuit court wherein located a certified
list of the membership of said on or before the first day of
September of each year.
Ibid. sec. 7.
67. It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot muskrat or
wild fowl of any description on the Patuxent river or any of its
tributaries from two hours after sunset until one hour before
sunrise, under a fine of not less than five dollars or more than
* See art. 27, sec 219