on said river, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more
than fifty dollars for each offense, and the costs of the pro-
ceedings; one-half of the said fine to go to the informer, if
any. and the other half or the whole, as the case may be, to
the board of county school commissioners wherein said offense
was tried, for the benefit of the public schools thereof; and
upon the failure to pay such fine and costs, the offender shall
be committed by the court or justice of the peace who imposed
said fine to the county jail in the county wherein said offense
was tried for a period of not less than ten days nor more than
two months,
1904, ch. 509, sec. 4.
64. It shall not be lawful for any person whether resident
or non-resident of the State of Maryland, to shoot or trap any
wild goose or wild duck on the Patuxent river, its tributaries
or its marshes between the fifteenth day of April and the first
day of August following, both days inclusive, in each and
every year; or any ortolan, rail or reedbird between the first
day of January and the tenth day of September, both days
inclusive, in each or every year, or to have in his possession in
any of the counties bordering on said river any of the above-
named birds or wild fowl during the closed season for the same
respectively provided by this section; and any person convicted
in the circuit court or before any justice of the peace of the
State of Maryland in and for any of the counties bordering on
said river of a violation of this section shall pay a fine of five
dollars for each and every wild goose, wild duck, ortolan, rail
or reed-bird killed by him or found in his possession, one-half
of said fine to be paid to the informer, if any, and the remainder,
or the whole, as he case may be, to the board of county school
commissioners of the county in which the trial is had, for the
use of the public schools thereof, after deducting all costs inci-
dent to such trial and conviction; and on the failure to pay
such fine, such ofiender shall be committed by the court or
justice of the peace who imposed said fine to the county jail of
the county in which such conviction was had for ten days.
Ibid. sec. 5.
55. No person, unless a bona fide, resident of the State of
Maryland, shall shoot or trap upon the waters of the Patuxent
river or any of its tributaries, or any of the marshes of said
river or tributaries, any wild goose, wild duck, snipe, ortolan,
reedbird or other birds or wild fowl without the written per-