caused to be produced to him the license of said non-resident
intending to hunt, kill or trap as aforesaid, obtained in accord-
ance with the preceding section shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before any justice
of the peace of the State of Maryland in and for any of the
counties bordering on said river, shall be fined not less than
ten dollars nor more than thirty dollars for each offense and the
cost of the proceedings; and upon the failure of the said
person so convicted to pay said fine and costs, the boat so
used and the fixtures thereof shall be condemned by the justice
of the peace who imposed'said fine and costs, and the same shall
be sold for the making of said fine and costs under execution
issued by said justice of the peace to the sheriff of the county
wherein said trial was had; one-half of the money from such
fine or condemnation and sale shall be paid to the informer, if
any, and the whole or remainder thereof, as the case may be, to
the board of county school commissioners of the county wherein
said person was tried and convicted, for the use of the public
schools thereof, after deducting therefrom all costs incident
to such arrest, trial and conviction.
1904, ch 509, sec. 3.
53. No person shall push, paddle or convey on the waters
of the Patuxent river or its tributaries, or marshes of said river
or tributaries, any person or persons for the purpose of shoot-
ing any ortolan, rail or reedbird. duck or goose, without first
obtaining a license from the clerk of the court of the county in
which he resides, for which he shall pay the sum of two dollars
and fifty cents; two dollars of which sum shall be paid to the
board of school commissioners for the use of the schools of
the county, and fifty cents to be retained by the clerk of the
court as his fee for issuing such license; such license to expire
at the end of one year from the date of its issue. Every person
obtaining such license shall be given a figure, which figure shall
be painted on the outside of any boat or skiff used for the
purpose of pushing or paddling, in figures not less than one
and one-half inches high, and of such a character and color
that the same may be easily read. No person not a bona fide
resident of the State of Maryland shall be entitled to have a
license to push or paddle issued him by the clerk of the court.
Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof
in the circuit court or before any justice of the peace of the
State of Maryland in and for any of the counties bordering