date of its issue. Any per son desiring such license shall apply
for same in person to said clerk of the court, and shall pay
therefor the sum of ten dollars, which amount shall be paid
by the said clerk to the board of county school commissioners
of said county in which the said license was issued, for the
use of the public schools thereof, and, in addition thereto,
such persons securing said license shall pay to the said clerk
the sum of one dollar as a fee for issuing said license; said
clerk shall prepare and keep a book, substantially bound, of
such blank license, with stub thereto, and when such license
is issued by him a full memorandum thereof shall be entered
on the stub of such license, which stub shall remain in said
book, and be a public record of said office; and before such
license shall be delivered to the applicant therefor, such appli-
cant shall write his name and address both on said license and
on said stub. Any non-resident who violates any of the pro-
visions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and, upon conviction thereof in the circuit court or before any
justice of the peace of the State of Maryland in and for any
of the counties bordering on said river, shall be fined five
dollars for each wild goose, wild duck, snipe, ortolan or reed-
bird, or other birds or wild fowls so shot or taken, whether
found or not found in his possession, one-half of the said fine
to go to the informer, if any, and the other half or whole, as
the case may be, to the board of county school commissioners
of the county wherein said offense was tried, for the benefit of
the public schools thereof; and upon the failure of the offender
to pay said fine and all costs incident to said trial, said offender
shall be committed by the court or justice who imposed said
fine to the county jail in the county wherein said offense was
tried for the period of ten days.
1904, ch. 509, sec. 2.
52. Before any person shall push, paddle or convey by boat
any other person not a bona fide resident of the State of Mary-
land over said river, its tributaries, or the marshes of said
river or tributaries, for the purpose of hunting, trapping or
killing said birds or wild fowl, he shall first require such non-
resident to produce to him a license secured in accordance
with the provisions of the foregoing section; and any person
so pushing, paddling or conveying any other person not a bona
fide resident of the State of Maryland without having first