Baltimore city, it shall be the duty of said officers to render
the required assistance as in other State cases.
1900, ch. 371. 1902, chs. 264 and 503.
49. It shall be unlawful for any person to trap, catch or kill
any otter, raccoon or muskrat within this State, or have the
same in his possession, if trapped, caught or killed within this
State, between the first day of April and the first day of
January in each year.
60. Any person violating the preceding section shall, on
conviction, pay a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than
twenty dollars for each and every otter, raccoon or muskrat
trapped, caught, killed or in his possession, contrary to the
provision of the preceding section; and in default of payment
of fine or fines imposed hereunder, together with the costs, the
offender shall be committed to jail for not less than ten nor
more than thirty days for each offense; one-half of all fines to
go to the informer. The provisions of this section shall not
apply to Baltimore, Harford, Cecil, Charles, Howard, Anne
Arundel, Caroline, Carroll, St. Mary's, Worcester, Garrett,
Prince George's, Calvert, Allegany, Washington, Frederick,
Montgomery and Queen Anne's counties.
Wild Fowl on Patuxent and Tributaries.
1904, ch. 509.
51. It shall not be lawful for any person not a bona fide
resident of the State of Maryland tc hunt, shoot or trap within
the State, upon the waters of the Patuxent river, its tributaries,
or marshes of said river or tributaries, any wild goose, wild
duck, snipe or ortolan, reed-bird or birds or wild fowl of any
description, at any season of the year, unless such non-resident
person shall have first obtained from the clerk of the circuit
court of one of the counties bordering on said river a license
permitting such person named in said license to hunt, shoot or
trap the said birds and wild fowl upon the waters of the said
river, its tributaries, or marshes of said river or tributaries;
and the said license so obtained shall be limited, said limita-
tion to be stated in said license to the open season for shooting
the aforesaid birds and wild fowl, shall not be transferrable,
under penalty of forfeiture of the same and a fine of not more
than twenty-five dollars, and shall expire one year from the