ART. 99] GAME WARDEN. 2115
successor be appointed. The said game warden shall receive a
salary from the State for his services of twelve hundred dollars
per annum, and shall be entitled to an expense account for
actual traveling expenses, and other expenses incurred in the
discharge of his duties, to an amount not to exceed in any one
year the sum of six hundred dollars, and shall receive a
portion of the fines arising from the violation of the game and
fish laws when the offenders shall be prosecuted by said game
warden, or his deputy game wardens, as hereinafter provided.
The said game warden may be removed by the governor of this
State at any time upon proof satisfactory to him that said game
warden is not vigorously enforcing the game or fish laws of
this State, or is not a fit person for said position. The word
" game " shall be taken to embrace deer, wild turkey, pinnated
grouse, ruffled grouse, known as "pheasants," Mongolian or
English pheasants, woodcock, partridges or quail, rabbits,
squirrels, ducks, geese and all other species of wild fowl.
1896, ch. 293, sec. 2.
36. It shall be the duty of the said game warden and his
deputy game wardens to prosecute all persons and corporations
having in their possession any game or fish contrary to either
the general or local game or fish laws of this State. It shall
also be their duty to see that the game and fish laws are
enforced and obtain information as to all violations of the said
game and fish laws.
Ibid sec. 3. 1904, ch. 346, sec. 3.
37. Whenever the game warden considers that it is neces-
sary that he should have deputy game wardens appointed to
assist him in more efficiently enforcing the game and fish laws
of this State, he may apply to the governor to commission such
persons as he may designate to act as deputy game wardens in
the counties and cities of the State, to enforce the game and
fish laws of this State, and carry out all the provisions of this
sub-title; such persons may be appointed for the whole State
or for such counties or cities as the governor in his commission
shall designate. If the governor approve such persons he may
appoint them deputy game wardens; such deputy game wardens
shall not receive a salary from the State, cities or counties, but
shall be paid such compensation out of the fines collected or
otherwise, as the game warden may agree with them.