1896, ch. 293, sec. 4. 1904, ch. 346, sec. 4.
38. The governor shall issue to each person so appointed as
deputy game warden a commission, and transmit such commis-
sion to the clerk's office of the circuit court for the county in
which the deputy game warden so appointed has his legal
residence, or to the office of the clerk of the superior court of
Baltimore city, if residing in Baltimore city, and he may
revoke and annul any such appointment at his pleasure.
Ibid, sec 5. 1904, ch. 346, sec. 5
39. Every deputy game warden so appointed shall, before
entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe before
a justice of the peace of the county or city in which his com-
mission may be received the oath or affirmation prescribed by
the sixth section of the first article of the constitution of this
State, which oath or affirmation shall be recorded in the clerk's
office of such county or city. The game warden throughout the
State, and also every deputy game warden so appointed, after
the recording of the oath or affirmation to be by said game
warden or deputy game wardens taken as aforesaid, shall, in
the county, counties, city or cities for which such deputy game
warden may be appointed, possess and exercise all the authority
and powers held or exercised by constables at common law and
under the statutes of this State, and also all authorities and
powers conferred by law upon policemen in the city of Balti-
more or other cities of the State, as far as arresting and prose-
cuting the persons for violating any of the fish and game laws
of this State are concerned; and they are hereby vested with
additional power to arrest without warrants persons suspected
or known to be guilty of violating any of the provisions of the
game and fish laws of this State, and to forthwith tate any and
all such persons before the nearest justice of the peace to be
dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the game and fish
laws of this State. In the event of finding game or fish taken
or had in possession contrary to the provisions of any of the
game or fish laws of this State, upon the persons so dealt with,
they shall proceed in the manner prescribed in sections 43, 44,
45 and 46. The clerk shall only charge fifty cents for record-
ing such oath or affirmation.
Ibid sec. 6. 1904, ch. 346, sec 6.
40. The game warden and deputy game warden shall, when
acting in his official capacity, except when on detective duty,
wear in plain view a metallic shield with the words "Game