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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2114   View pdf image (33K)
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1898, ch. 206, secs. 2, 3

32. All acts or parts of acts and all sections and parts of
sections of the code, both of general and local laws, now in
force, inconsistent with the provisions of sections 15-31 of this
sub-title are repealed; provided, nothing in said sections shall
in any manner affect the public local laws for Kent, Talbot,
St. Mary's, Calvert, Harford, Allegany, Somerset, Worcester,
Caroline, Prince George's, Cecil, Frederick, Charles, Dorchester,
Montgomery, Queen Anne's, Carroll; Washington and Wicomico
counties relating to game and wild-fowl, nor the local law as
it now exists in Montgomery county as to hunting and killing
rabbits, but that the local laws shall remain in full force in
said counties, respectively.

Baltimore Oriole Icterus.

1868, art. 99, sec. 16. 1882, ch. 154.

33. No person in this State shall shoot or in any manner
catch, kill or have in possession any bird of the species known
as the "Baltimore Oriole Icterus," or molest or destroy the
eggs or nests of the said birds in the said State.

Ibid, sec 17. 1882, ch. 154.

34i Any person violating the preceding section shall, on
conviction, pay a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more
than twenty dollars for each and every bird of the species
known as the "Baltimore Oriole Icterus" shot or in any
manner caught, killed or in his possession, or for any eggs or
nests of the said birds molested or destroyed contrary to the
preceding section; said fines to be recovered before a justice
of the peace of the county or Baltimore city where the offense
is committed, or by indictment in the court having criminal
jurisdiction in the county or Baltimore city where the offense is
committed; and in default of payment of fine or fines imposed
hereunder, together with the costs, the offender shall be com-
mitted to jail for not less than ten nor more than sixty days
for each offense, and the non-payment of each and every fine
shall be considered a separate offense within the meaning
hereof; one-half of all fines imposed shall go to the informer.

Game Warden.

1896, ch. 293, sec. 1. 1904, ch. 346, sec. 1.

35. The governor of this State on the tenth day of April, 1896,
and every two years thereafter shall appoint a game warden for
the State whose term of office shall be for two years or until his


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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2114   View pdf image (33K)
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