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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2113   View pdf image (33K)
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water-fowl of any kind, or have in possession any trap, net or
snare with the intent or purpose to capture or kill any such
birds, under a penalty of ten ($10) dollars for every such bird
so trapped, killed, netted or ensnared, and under a further
penalty of fifty ($50) dollars for the having in possession any
such trap, net or snare, and every such trap, net or snare shall
be forfeited and destroyed.

1898, ch. 206, sec. 15 B.

30. Any person in this State above the age of eighteen
years engaged in the killing of birds or mammals or the
collecting of eggs for purely scientific purposes shall be
exempt from the provisions of this sub-title; provided that
said person shall first obtain a certificate in writing from the
State game warden to the effect that such person is engaged in
the scientific study of ornithology or mammalogy; and to
obtain such certificate, such person must first file with the
State game warden an application and an affidavit to the truth
and bona fides thereof made by the person requesting the same
and taken before any officer authorized to administer an oath
in this State, which application and affidavit shall be retained
and kept on file by said State game warden; but the posses-
sion of such birds, or their eggs or mammals without certifi-
cate, during any of the aforesaid dates between which it is
hereinbefore made unlawful to shoot and collect the same shall
in all cases be prima facie evidence against such person.

Ibid. sec. 15b B.

31. The justices of the peace of this State in and for the
city or county wherein the offense shall be committed shall
have jurisdiction to hear and determine all prosecutions for
the purpose of enforcing fines and penalties, collectible under
the provisions of this sub-title, and all such fines and penalties
are expressly made subject to the provisions of section 42 of
this article, and in all cases where such prosecutions are begun
or instituted by any person other than the State game warden
or one of the deputy game wardens of this State, and shall
result in the collection of a fine or fines, then one-half of such
fine or fines, after the proper court costs or costs of the justice
of the peace in the trial and decision of the case shall have
been paid, shall be paid to the informer, and the other half to
the school fund of the city or county in which said prosecution
is conducted.


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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2113   View pdf image (33K)
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