other water-fowl, under a penalty of not less than fifty ($50)
dollars nor more than one hundred ($100) dollars for each
offense, and the possession or sale or disposition by any
any person of any such big or swivel gun in this State shall
be deemed prima facie evidence that the same is possessed or
sold, or disposed of with the intent, and for the purpose of
shooting at or killing such birds in this State, and every gun
shall be deemed a big gun, for the purpose of this law, which
is not habitually raised at arm's length and fired from the
1898, ch 206, sec. 15 M.
25. No person shall at any time in this State shoot at or do
any act or thing whatsoever with the intent or purpose of
frightening or driving wild ducks, wild geese, wild swan, wild
brant or other water fowl of any kind from their feeding or
roosting grounds, under a penalty of not less than twenty-five
($25) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100) dollars for
each offense.
Ibid sec 15 N.
26. No person shall in this State, at any time, use any
ferret or weasel for the purpose of hunting, capturing or killing
any of the aforesaid game animals, under a penalty of not less
than ten ($10) dollars nor more than twenty-five ($25) dollars
for each offense, and under a further penalty of ten ($10)
dollars for each such game animal so captured or killed.
Ibid. sec. 15 o.
27. No person shall in this State, at any time molest or
destroy the nests or eggs of any of the aforesaid birds, except
those of hawks or other birds destructive to domestic poultry
and game birds, or those of English sparrows, crows and black-
birds, under a penalty of not less than one nor more than twenty-
five ($25) dollars for each and every'such offense.
Ibid. sec. 15 P.
28. No person shall kill or injure by poison any domestic
poultry or any golden English or Mongolian pheasants, or any
of the aforesaid game birds not the property of said person,
but upon the premises of and belonging to some one else, under
a penalty of not less than ten ($10) dollars, nor more than three
hundred ($300) dollars.
Ibid. sec. 15 Q.
29. No person shall trap, net or ensnare any partridge or
quail, pheasant or ruffled grouse, wild turkey, woodcock or