the county commissioners of said county, in case the moneys
so due by said county shall have bean paid to said treasurer or
county commissioners, and he or they, as the case may be, shall
not have forwarded it to the comptroller as required herein.
Ibid. sec. 12. 1876, ch. 351, sec. 10.
12. They may receive into the hospital as pay patients
insane persons, other than the pauper lunatics referred to in
the preceding section, to a number not exceeding seventy-five
at any one time.
Ibid. sec. 13. 1876, ch. 351, sec. 11.
13. The circuit courts for the several counties, and the
criminal court of Baltimore, in accordance with the provisions'
of this code, are hereby authorized to send, from time to time,
to the said hospital, pauper lunatics of this State, to the num-
ber to which the respective counties and city of Baltimore
shall respectively be entitled under section 11.
Ibid. sec. 14. 1876, ch. 351, sec. 12.
14. There shall be appropriated, and the treasurer of the
State, upon the warrant of the comptroller, shall pay to the
managers of the Maryland hospital for the insane, annually,
in equal quarterly payments, on the first days of January,
April, July and October in each and every year, the sum of
fifteen thousand dollars for the support of said hospital.
Ibid. sec. 15. 1886, ch. 205, sec. 14.
15. The said board of managers shall erect and maintain in
safe and proper repair a substantial and sufficient fence and
enclosure of the height of at least seven feet, constructed of
palings not less than six inches in width, with proper gates,
securely fastened and guarded at all times, around the said
hospital and hospital grounds; and shall adopt and enforce
all other reasonable and necessary safeguards to prevent lunatic
patients, who may be confined or under treatment in said
hospital, from escaping or wandering beyond the limits of said
grounds and enclosure.
Springfield State Hospital.
1894, ch. 231, secs. 1 and 2. 1900, ch. 70, sec. 16 A.
16. There shall be established in this State accessible by
railroad or water transportation an institution to be called the
Springfield State Hospital, which shall be under the control of