and at the same time shall transmit to the governor the annual
report of the superintendent and treasurer, which shall show
all receipts and expenditures of every officer and employe, and
compensation of each; all which reports shall be laid before
the general assembly during the first ten days of its session.
1888, art. 44, sec. 11. 1876, ch. 351, sec. 9. 1894, ch. 450.
11. They shall provide accommodation for at least four
hundred pauper lunatics of this State, who may be sent to the
said hospital for curative treatment; which number shall be
from time to time apportioned by them among the several
counties and the city of Baltimore, according to the population
as ascertained by the preceding census. The sum of money to
be paid by the several counties, respectively, for the support
and care of their insane paupers, shall be annually estimated
and determined by the board of managers of said hospital,
who shall report to the county commissioners of each county
the amount so due by it, not later than the tenth day of Janu-
ary in each year, and such estimate shall be upon the basis of
the number of patients in said hospital from said county of
the first day of each year, at the rate of one hundred and fifty
dollars per capita per annum; and the money so ascertained
to be due by each county, the county commissioners of said
county are hereby authorized and required to levy annually
upon the assessable property of said county, to be collected in
the same manner as other taxes now or shall hereafter be col-
lected; and the treasurer of said county, and if there be no
treasurer, the county commissioners of said county, is and are
hereby authorized and directed to pay said sum of money to
the comptroller of the State in two equal instalments, one-half
on the thirty-first day of December, and the other half on the
thirtieth day of September in each year; and said comptroller
shall, immediately upon the receipt of any of said instalments,
pay over the same to the board of managers of said hospital.
The expenses of any patients in said hospital from any county
in excess of its quota, as herein provided, shall be ascertained,
levied and paid for in like manner, as provided for its quota.
The board of managers of said hospital are hereby empowered
and authorized to enforce the provisions of this section by writs
of mandamus, or to collect the moneys so ascertained by them
to be due and payable in any other way authorized by law,
and may bring suit upon the bond of the treasurer of any
county, and if there be no treasurer, may bring suit against