the board of managers hereinafter provided for. The said
board of managers shall consist of the governor, for the time
being, ex-officio, state treasurer, comptroller of the treasury and
six other persons, who shall be appointed by the governor, as
follows : Two to serve for the term of six years, two to serve
for the term of four years and two to serve for the term of two
years each from the first day of May, eighteen hundred and
ninety-four, and the board so created shall constitute a body
corporate under the title of Springfield State Hospital, and
shall have power to make such by-laws, rules and regulations
not inconsistent with law as they may deem necessary and
proper for the public welfare and the best interests of the
institution and its inmates, and shall also have power to
appoint the necessary officers and agents, who shall be remov-
able at their pleasure, and shall make an annual report of their
proceedings to the governor of the State, who shall submit the
same, with such recommendations as he may deem proper, to
the general assembly at its next session thereafter.
1894, ch. 231, sec. 3.
17. Upon expiration of each of the terms of office of said
board of managers the governor shall, by and with the advice
and consent of the senate, appoint two persons, residents of
this State, for the term of six years from the first day of May
next ensuing their appointment, until their successors are
qualified, and shall appoint from time to time during the con-
tinuance of said institution, as said terms expire, two persons,
residents as aforesaid, for a full term of six years, so that the
board of managers shall be divided into three classes, one-third
of whom shall go out of office at the end of every two years ;
and the governor shall also have power in the case of any
vacancy occuring in any of said classes from death, resignation,
removal from the State, or from any cause whatever, to appoint
a person or persons to fill such vacancy or vacancies for the
balance of the term of said class.
Ibid. sec. 6.
18. The judge of the criminal court of Baltimore city, and
the judges of the circuit courts for the different counties of the
State may commit to the said hospital, in accordance with the
provisions of the code, as soon as the board of managers shall
be ready to receive and properly care for them, such insane
persons as are now maintained by Baltimore city and the