their respective courts, or in connection with the business thereof,
to the Circuit Courts for the county in which such Orphans'
Court shall have jurisdiction, or to the Supreme Bench of Balti-
more City, as the case may be.
1900 ch. 13.
12A. Any attorney who shall habitually go to the several
jails, station-houses and other places of original punishment
with the view of soliciting the clientage of persons confined
therein awaiting trial, without having been first sent for by such
persons or by their friends, or who shall solicit such clientage
through sheriffs, constables, jailors or professional law-breakers,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon proper proof
before a court of which he shall be a member of the bar, shall
be suspended from practice in all the courts of this State for a
period of not less than one year; and the judge imposing the
suspension shall have the same publicly posted on the bulletin
board of his said court, and shall direct the clerk of his said
court, under a penalty of five dollars for each default, to send
notice of such suspension to the clerk of every other court in the
State. Any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, police officer,
justice of the peace or other official who shall act as such agent
or broker for any lawyer shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor and, on conviction, shall be fined not less than twenty-
fire dollars, or be imprisoned, in the discretion of. the court, for
not less than thirty days.
Practising Without Being Admitted to the Bar.
1900, ch. 699.
16A. Any person who shall exact, demand, take or receive
from any person whatsoever, any fee, gratuity, gift or reward for
his advice or services as an attorney at law without having been
admitted to the bar agreeably to the provisions of this article,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall be liable to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or
confinement in jail for not more than thirty days, or both fine
and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.