clerk or representative, shall be entitled to inspect and examine
as soon as received for record or at any time thereafter, all
papers filed for record or otherwise, in the clerk's office of the
Circuit Courts of this State, and the clerk's offices of the courts
constituting the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, and in the
offices of the Registers of Wills in this State and of the
Commissioner of the Land Office, and to make memoranda or
notes therefrom for any lawful purposes whatsoever, without
payment of fees therefor, and also to examine the records and
indexes in the aforesaid offices free of charge; and it shall be
the duty of the clerk or register aforesaid in whose office said
paper or papers are filed or records and indexes are kept, to afford
immediate access to said papers or records, and a full oppor-
tunity to the person or persons desiring to make an examination
of the same and memoranda therefrom for the purpose afore-
Misconduct of Attorneys. Disbarment. Suspension.
1900, ch. 309.
11A. Disbarment of any attorney at law from the right to
practise the profession of law by a circuit court for any
county of this State, or by the Supreme Bench of Baltimore
City, shall extend to and include disbarment from the right
to practise the profession of law in the Orphans' Courts of the
several counties of this State and the Orphans' Court of Balti-
more City; and the Orphans' Courts of the several counties of
this State, and the Orphans' Court of Baltimore City, shall disbar
from the right to practise the profession of law in their respective
courts all attorneys who shall have been disbarrred from the
right to practise the profession of the law by a circuit court of
this State, or by the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City.
11B. It shall be the duty of the judges of the Orphans'
Courts of the several counties of this State, and of the judges
of the Orphans' Court of Baltimore City to prefer charges, in
writing, against any attorney at law who shall have, in their
judgment, been guilty of unprofessional conduct occurring in