106. Appeals from assessments.
107. Alphabetical list of taxpayers,
and amounts chargeable to each
108. When bailiff to deliver tax bills;
notice to non-residents, distress
for sale of property for taxes.
109. President to give deed to pur-
chaser for property sold to pay
110. Within what time bailiff to make
111. Duties of bailiff
112. Powers of president.
113. Fees allowed bailiff.
114. Fines and penalties imposed by
provisions of this sub-title, how
115. Limit to amount of expenditures
by commissioners, per annum.
116. This sub-title not to oust jurisdic-
tion of county commissioners,
justices of the peace, &c , in
town of.
Mechanics' Liens.
117. Charles county exempted from
provisions of code of public gen-
eral laws relating to.
118. Millers may receive, for grinding
corn or rye, the sixth part
thereof, penalty for demanding
or receiving more
Notices — Legal.
119. Discretionary power allowed as
to publication of, to what per-
Officers' Fees.
120 Accounts for, how to be made
out; copies of; when such ac-
counts are to be allowed.
121. To what counties preceding sec-
tion to apply.
122. Where in tributaries of Potomac
river unlawful to catch, axcept
with tongs.
123. Violation of preceding section;
124. Arrest of persons violating pro- -
visions of this sub-title, by war-
rant of justices of the peace;
125. Hearing of case against such
persons by justices, appeal al-
126. License to persons not citizens of
county to catch, in tributaries
of Potomac river, oath of per-
sons applying for, penalty.
127. Licenses, cost of; amount, how
distributed; oysters not to be
taken on Sunday or at night;
128. Number of license, how to be
painted on boat; penalty.
129. Warrant of justice for arrest of
persons violating provisions of
this sub-title, and for seizure of
boat and equipments of; sale of
boat and equipments for pay-
ment of fines.
130. Appeal allowed to persons con-
victed under preceding section,
appeal bond
131. Fines collected under provisions
of this sub-title, how distrib-
Port Tobacco
132. Citizens of, are a body corporate
under name of " The President
and Commissioners of the Vil-
lage of Port Tobacco," general
powers of
133. Limits of
134. Election of five commissioners,
term and powers of, limit to
rate of taxation
135. Tax list, what to contain.
136. Tax bill, when to be sent to tax-
payer, publication of tax bill
of non-resident, sale of property
for failure to pay taxes.