137. President of commissioners to
give deed to property sold for
taxes, deed regarded as evidence
of what.
138. Collections, to whom to be paid
and when.
139. Tax upon dogs
140. Bailiff to kill dogs running at
large without permit, failure of
bailiff to do so; penalty.
141. Bailiff to seize swine running at
large; redemption by owner;
sale of.
142. Pig-pens not allowed in village
nor within 250 yards of, penalty
143. County commissioners, justices of
the peace, constables and other
county and State officers to
have jurisdiction within village,
one-half county tax to be ap-
plied to improvement of streets
in village.
144. Majority of commissioners are a
quorum, president and secretary
to be selected at first meeting;
duties of.
145. Treasurer to be selected at same
meeting; duties of.
146. Bond of collector of taxes.
147. Qualification of voters of.
148. Vacancy in commissioners, how
149. Bailiff, appointment, oath, bond
and powers of.
150. Opening streets, proceedings for.
151. Duty of jury; upon payment of
damages title to property to
vest in commissioners.
152. Elections, commissioners to regu-
153. Oath of commissioners.
154. Ordinances of, to be posted in
two public places of the town.
155. Preservation of health, ordinances
for, and other purposes; remis-
sion of fines.
Register of Wills.
156. Index to be kept by.
157. County commissioners to levy for-
repair of, supervisors of road
districts, appointment, compen-
sation and duties of
158. Wages to laborers upon.
159. Employment of permanent corps
of laborers under supervision of
capable officer to repair; bond
of such officer.
160 Drainage of public roads.
161 Obstructing drains or roads;
162 Gates upon public roads unlaw-
ful; supervisors to have them
163. Persons hindering supervisors in
performance of their duties-
under preceding section; pen-
164. Supervisor neglecting to perform
duties under section 162; pen-
165 What roads excepted from opera-
tion of three preceding sections
166. Board of school commissioners,,
appointment of.
167. Term of.
168 Salaries of teachers in public.
169 Duties of.
170. Amount allowed for food or
prisoners per day.
171. Allowance for removal of convict
to penitentiary.
State's Attorney.
172. Fee to in cases of recognizance
and of presentment.
173. Additional compensation to.
174. No compensation to be paid to,
when not presenter represented,
at trial of case.
175. When fees allowed by three pre-
ceding sections to be paid.